
Volume 2 Chapter 16: Giant wolf like thing

“What do you mean when you said this is going to be a real problem?” Xiaoxia asked slightly alarmed.

“Well from what I know, your special ability is what has kept you alive for so long. Now it seems like it isn’t working like before, and that will pose a real problem in the future, if you are in a life threatening situation again,” Gu Di replied.

“But this is the Void, it may not be working due to this. On the other hand, if I knew about your special ability not surfacing as normal, I would not have allowed you to fight alone against the assailants we encountered,” he added.

Xiaoxia blanched when he heard this, and was rather upset when he replied,

“So you were hoping for my special ability to come to the rescue in the event something unforeseen happens? Isn’t this being too complacent?”

“Well, complacent or not, the fact is that your skills and Ki realm have already progressed beyond theirs. I would know, since I have been monitoring your progress all these times. There was only a slim possibility that you could have died, but like I just said, I would have done so otherwise if I knew,” Gu Di replied.

“So you knew I have entered the Unknown Realm? What else are you not telling me? I prefer if you just go ahead and tell me once and for all, at least I wouldn’t be distracted by all these when in a life and death situation,” Xiaoxia said.

Although he was not angry, he wasn’t calm either. Questions popped into his head, when he was battling his first assailant, and this almost proved costly.

If it wasn’t for the unique Ki weapon Gu Di passed to him, he would most likely be dead or kidnapped.

“To answer your first question, off course I would know about your progress. I have been doing it since day one, there is no need for me to use that primitive device to check your growth,” Gu Di answered.

“There is actually not much to tell now, since you already know most of what transpired. Besides this, I honestly do not know who these assailants are. The only information from our sources, is that a group of individuals were snooping around, hence Jay was sent to figure out their origins. As you know, they rather die than tell us how they found our whereabouts,” he went added.

“Then what about this? I get the feeling you have not told me everything about it,” Xiaoxia asked as he took out the Ki weapon and activated it.

What happened next, almost knocked the socks off the other three.

A huge shockwave blasted out around Xiaoxia when the weapon absorbed his Ki, and the blade grew so large, that it seemed he was wielding a tree.

The ethereal looking blade began to deform and disappeared entirely, instead what appeared in its place was something totally unexpected.

A huge figure, nearly 15 feet in height, 25 feet in length, with a bushy tail almost 12 feet long, stood directly in front of Xiaoxia.

It seemed of the same material that Ki weapon had, when he used it to kill the assailant. The white nimbus that surrounded it, blurred its profile and made it seem almost surreal.

The figure bore a striking resemblance to wolf family, but somehow it wasn’t one. There was nowhere in the world, where one as big as this even exists.

The giant wolf like thing, took one look at Xiaoxia, and lumbered towards him. This caused Xiaoxia to flinch, and raise his arms to protect himself.

Amazingly, it only nudged its muzzle against Xiaoxia, and looked like it was expecting something. When Xiaoxia did nothing, it nudged its muzzle this time at his quantum belt.

“Oh my God! How is this even possible?” Xue Er was the first to recover from the blast, and asked in shock.

She looked in shock towards Gu Di, and saw an expression mirroring her own. At the same time, Jay was just as surprised.

“I do not know,” Gu Di said, still confused and unable to collect his thoughts.

At this time, the giant wolf like thing was nudging it’s muzzle against Xiaoxia’s quantum bag repeatedly. The force of the seemingly gentle nudges were more strong than one would expect, and they literally felt like being shoved roughly by a strong person.

“What do you want? I have nothing that you need!” Xiaoxia blurted out, he felt exasperated by all the nudging.

He was getting less frightened and more daring as the seconds ticked by. This creature did not seem to mean any harm, if it did, Xiaoxia would have long been dead.

The giant wolf like thing looked at Xiaoxia with questioning eyes, and it paused a moment. This time it nudged again at the quantum bag and looked Xiaoxia straight in the eyes, before licking its chops.

“You want to eat something in this pouch?” Xiaoxia asked.

Seemingly knowing what he said, the creature’s ear perked up, and it sat on its hind legs with an expectant looks.

Xiaoxia then rummaged through his quantum bag, and took out the food contained in the stasis container, that Amelia have given him years ago. It may have been a very long time, but thankfully stasis containers keeps all manner of things preserved in perfect condition, even though decades have passed.

These were opened and all placed in a bundle on the ground before the giant wolf like thing, as Xiaoxia was not going to feed it from his hands. Although this thing did not looked like it meant any harm, he did not want to risk unnecessarily sticking his arm near the terribly sharp looking teeth.

The creature sniff at the exposed food and snorted in disgust, it seemed very unhappy with what it was offered. Standing on all fours again, it nudged again at the quantum pouch.

“What do you want? This is all the food I have!” Xiaoxia told the giant wolf like thing.

He looked at the other three, who by now have recovered from the blast, but they did not help much. All three of them just gave Xiaoxia the shoulder shrug, indicating it is not within their scope of understanding.

Then a thought suddenly struck him.

Turning his quantum bag upside down, Xiaoxia emptied half the Ki crystals in his possession onto the ground. This immediately looked to please the giant wolf like thing, as it pounced greedily on them. In a matter of seconds, all the crystals were cleaned from the ground.

Xiaoxia made a wild guess, that turned out to be correct. He theorized that since the creature was most probably what the Ki weapon became, it would perhaps prefer Ki crystals over real food.

“Is this the thing you have not told me about the Ki weapon?” he turned his attention towards Gu Di.

The giant wolf like thing, seemed to be satisfied with its expensive meal, and have went off to the far side of the massive room. It sniffed a few times at one particular spot, turn in a circle a couple of times, before lying down and closing its eyes.

“No, this is something I myself have never seen before. While your Ki weapon is supposed to have an alternative form, this is not it. The Wuming clan predecessor who used this weapon more than 60 thousand years ago, is obviously not alive to tell us anything else. The only records, were that it was originally a poniard, and the alternative form was a long sword. Needless to say, trying to trace the artisan who made it will be pointless as well,” Gu Di answered, still looking at the creature.

“Judging by what happened, I daresay you have already uncovered the alternative form,” Gu Di added.

“The alternative form is a long sword? But that’s the only form I saw, I did not see the form of the poniard when I used it,” Xiaoxia informed Gu Di.

“Are you absolutely certain? According to what I know and what is recorded, there has been no incident where the alternate form appeared without first achieving its original form,” Gu Di asked to reconfirm.

“Yes I am very sure, and I know what a poniard looks like. It was definitely not a poniard, when the blade materialized the first time I used it,” Xiaoxia confirmed.

“I am sorry to break up the conversation, but I think this is something important,” Xue Er interrupted.

She was in deep thoughts, the moment she recovered enough to grasp what happened. Even though the answer was not forthcoming in this particular situation, her people have experienced things not seen in the outside world.

“Correct me if I am wrong, Xiaoxia, you mentioned that this special ability of yours was extremely weak, when you practiced it before. But somehow it became stupendously strong here in the void?” she asked.

“Yes, besides the first time it happened, the other times could not even compared to what happened today.”

“For the Ki weapon, was it the same?” she asked further.

“I suppose so, it looked like some glowing white sword that was not fully transparent, but close to it. The length was only around 3 feet odd, and it was definitely not that creature over there or as huge as the bole of a tree,” he replied.

“Although I cannot say how that creature appeared, I can sort of explain what is happening with this outburst of power. But there is someone who can explain this in a much better way than I can, and It will not be hard to seek an audience with him,” she informed him.

“No! Not him, oh God please! Of all people, he is the worst!” Gu Di complained loudly and pleaded.

“Why not, he wants to see you anyway. Besides the kids are there as well, you should at least pay them a visit,” she reasoned.

Gu Di could not say anything else, not wanting to meet the person he dislike is one thing, but not seeing his children is another.

“You there, Jay is it? Come, it’s time for me to see to your arm,” Xue Er motioned for Jay to approach.

“Hah! Finally, I have been sitting in corner being an extra, while all you important folks were doing some serious talking,” Jay grinned impishly at her.

“If you remain sarcastic, I will let it rot in stasis for the next few thousand years,” she glanced at him with a no nonsense look.

“Sorry!! Please help me with my arm!” Jay fervently apologize immediately.

Xiaoxia was a little amused now, all of them were somehow no longer disturbed, or wondering about the giant wolf like thing. Even he himself was not thinking about it, and whenever he tried to focus his attention on how weird the situation is, it slipped away.

“Besides who are we going to visit?” he asked.

“Once Jay’s arm gets attached back, we are going to meet my dad,” Xue Er calmly replied, vaguely motioning somewhere with her hand.

There wasn’t much conversation from her from this point onwards, as she concentrated on Jay’s arm. In the empty moments, Jay filled the void, by talking mostly on Wuming and his own experience. Gu Di eventually added a few parts to the story, and corrected Jay’s version of Wuming’s history.

All four of them did not realize that the creature was looking at them from semi-closed eyes, it was observing Xiaoxia in particular, and felt a strange kinship with the person who brought it to this place.

Unknown to anyone alive, let alone the four who seemed to have totally forgotten about it, the creature possessed a special trait. It had an aura that can be used at will, to manipulate even strong minds to disregard it’s presence.

This made the creature seemingly unnoticeable, even it if was in direct line of sight. It was also the reason, why none of the four were now asking or wondering how the creature managed to appear.

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